"After Burner II," Sega's iconic arcade game, takes players on a high-octane aerial combat experience.
Released in 1987, it revolutionized arcade gaming with its exhilarating jet fighter action, stunning graphics, and immersive cabinet design. Piloting an F-14 Tomcat, players engage in intense dogfights and daring maneuvers, evoking a sense of adrenaline-fueled excitement. "After Burner II" remains a beloved classic, showcasing Sega's commitment to pushing the boundaries of arcade entertainment.
Publisher and Year of Release
"After Burner II," Sega's iconic arcade game, takes players on a high-octane aerial combat experience.
Released in 1987, it revolutionized arcade gaming with its exhilarating jet fighter action, stunning graphics, and immersive cabinet design. Piloting an F-14 Tomcat, players engage in intense dogfights and daring maneuvers, evoking a sense of adrenaline-fueled excitement. "After Burner II" remains a beloved classic, showcasing Sega's commitment to pushing the boundaries of arcade entertainment.
Sega AM2
Sega (1987)