"Forgotten Worlds," Capcom's arcade masterpiece, transports players into a post-apocalyptic world besieged by alien forces.
Released in 1988, it features cooperative gameplay as jetpack-wearing mercenaries battle through perilous landscapes. With its innovative rotary joystick controls, vibrant graphics, and intense action, "Forgotten Worlds" offers a thrilling arcade experience. Its unique blend of sci-fi elements and cooperative gameplay ensures its place as a classic in Capcom's illustrious catalog.
Publisher and Year of Release
"Forgotten Worlds," Capcom's arcade masterpiece, transports players into a post-apocalyptic world besieged by alien forces.
Released in 1988, it features cooperative gameplay as jetpack-wearing mercenaries battle through perilous landscapes. With its innovative rotary joystick controls, vibrant graphics, and intense action, "Forgotten Worlds" offers a thrilling arcade experience. Its unique blend of sci-fi elements and cooperative gameplay ensures its place as a classic in Capcom's illustrious catalog.
Capcom (1988)