"JoJo's Bizarre Adventure," Capcom's arcade fighting game, adapts the popular manga and anime series into a dynamic combat experience.
Released in 1998, it features a diverse roster of characters, each with unique Stands and abilities. With its colorful visuals, stylish presentation, and faithful adaptation of the source material, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" offers an electrifying arcade experience that delights fans of the series while delivering exciting gameplay for fighting game enthusiasts.
Publisher and Year of Release
"JoJo's Bizarre Adventure," Capcom's arcade fighting game, adapts the popular manga and anime series into a dynamic combat experience.
Released in 1998, it features a diverse roster of characters, each with unique Stands and abilities. With its colorful visuals, stylish presentation, and faithful adaptation of the source material, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" offers an electrifying arcade experience that delights fans of the series while delivering exciting gameplay for fighting game enthusiasts.
Capcom (1998)