Midnight Resistance by Data East immerses players in a high-stakes battle against a ruthless army threatening global domination.
Released in 1989, this arcade classic offers intense side-scrolling action and powerful weaponry. Players must navigate through enemy-infested territories, rescue hostages, and defeat bosses to thwart the sinister plans of the enemy. Midnight Resistance delivers adrenaline-fueled excitement and arcade thrills for players seeking intense shoot 'em up experiences.
Publisher and Year of Release
Midnight Resistance by Data East immerses players in a high-stakes battle against a ruthless army threatening global domination.
Released in 1989, this arcade classic offers intense side-scrolling action and powerful weaponry. Players must navigate through enemy-infested territories, rescue hostages, and defeat bosses to thwart the sinister plans of the enemy. Midnight Resistance delivers adrenaline-fueled excitement and arcade thrills for players seeking intense shoot 'em up experiences.
Data East
Data East (1989)