Operation Thunderbolt by Taito plunges players into a high-stakes mission to rescue hostages from a terrorist threat.
Released in 1988, this arcade classic offers intense shooting action, dynamic levels, and fast-paced gameplay. Players must navigate through urban environments, neutralize enemy forces, and save innocent lives to emerge victorious. Operation Thunderbolt delivers adrenaline-fueled excitement and arcade thrills for players seeking pulse-pounding shooter experiences.
Publisher and Year of Release
Operation Thunderbolt by Taito plunges players into a high-stakes mission to rescue hostages from a terrorist threat.
Released in 1988, this arcade classic offers intense shooting action, dynamic levels, and fast-paced gameplay. Players must navigate through urban environments, neutralize enemy forces, and save innocent lives to emerge victorious. Operation Thunderbolt delivers adrenaline-fueled excitement and arcade thrills for players seeking pulse-pounding shooter experiences.
Taito (1988)