"Virtua Cop," Sega's pioneering arcade shooter, thrusts players into the role of a cop battling crime in a 3D urban environment.
Released in 1994, it offers intuitive light gun controls and adrenaline-fueled gunfights against criminals. With its cinematic presentation, responsive gameplay, and challenging levels, "Virtua Cop" delivers an immersive arcade experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats, solidifying its status as a classic in arcade gaming history.
Publisher and Year of Release
"Virtua Cop," Sega's pioneering arcade shooter, thrusts players into the role of a cop battling crime in a 3D urban environment.
Released in 1994, it offers intuitive light gun controls and adrenaline-fueled gunfights against criminals. With its cinematic presentation, responsive gameplay, and challenging levels, "Virtua Cop" delivers an immersive arcade experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats, solidifying its status as a classic in arcade gaming history.
Sega AM2
Sega (1994)